Support for Legal Costs

There are several stages at which you may seek a payment for your legal costs associated with the Dilworth Redress Programme. The stages are: 

  1. If you seek legal advice before registering for the Dilworth Redress Programme, you may be paid for reasonable legal costs up to a maximum of NZ$1,000 (plus GST).  You should ask your lawyer to send his/her invoice to [email protected].  If your legal costs at this stage exceed NZ$1,000 (plus GST) you will need to pay any legal costs above the Dilworth Redress Programme contribution of NZ$1,000 plus GST.  
  2. If you seek legal advice before  submitting your full Application (including the Redress Report and your Statutory Declaration), the Dilworth Redress Programme will pay your reasonable legal expenses of up to NZ$2,000 plus GST.  You should ask your lawyer to send his/her invoice to [email protected].  If your legal costs at this stage exceed NZ$2,000 plus GST, you will need to pay any legal costs above the Dilworth Redress Programme contribution of NZ$2,000 plus GST. 
  3. At the stage you receive an Offer from the Dilworth Independent Redress Panel and the Dilworth Trust Board’s Settlement document. You are not required to obtain independent legal advice when considering your Offer/Determination from the Panel but we encourage you to do so. It is a condition of acceptance of the Settlement that you receive appropriate legal advice prior to signing it. To that end, the Dilworth Redress Programme will pay your reasonable legal costs to enable you to receive independent legal advice at this stage. The cost of receiving legal advice, and of completing the Statutory Declaration and Settlement Agreement is not likely to exceed NZ $3,500 (plus GST) and this sum is available to you for those costs. You should ask your lawyer to send his/her invoice to [email protected]. If your legal costs at this stage exceed NZ$3,500 (plus GST) you will need to pay any legal costs above the Dilworth Redress Programme’s contribution of NZ$3,500 (plus GST). 

    The Dilworth Redress Programme’s contribution to your legal costs listed in 1,2, and 3, is over and above any Settlement sum agreed. These contributions will not be taken into account in any Redress Payment.  

    Your independent legal advice may be sought from any independent lawyer in practice in New Zealand. If you are not based in New Zealand and prefer to seek advice in your country of residence, please discuss options with your Redress Facilitator.

    For further information on legal advice, please contact your Redress Facilitator.

    Support for Counselling, Therapy

    The Listening Service is available right now to help you, should you need counselling.

    In addition, part of your Offer of Redress could include access to confidential counselling and psychological services. 

    Support for Financial Advice Costs

    Recipients of financial redress Offers may wish to obtain independent professional advice on how to manage this money.

    It is not compulsory to seek advice from a financial adviser. However, Dilworth Response will pay for two financial consultations up to NZ$500+GST each for a total of NZ$1000+GST. You can seek advice from anyone you choose, but Dilworth will pay for this professional advice only from advisers currently registered on the NZ Financial Service Providers Register and only after you have received your Offer.

    Dilworth Response’s support for this advice is paid directly to the financial adviser and you will be responsible for any costs above the Dilworth Response-funded $1,000+GST. Dilworth Response’s funds cannot be used towards any investments or in any way other than to subsidise financial advice you receive in respect of your Offer.

    Disclaimer: The following names of financial adviser are provided solely for your general information;  they are not a recommendation from the Dilworth Trust Board or any other party associated with this programme. In choosing to engage a financial adviser to advise you, you do so entirely at your own risk and Dilworth Trust Board takes no responsibility for, nor any liability for, your choice of financial adviser nor your use of information about financial advisers on this website.

    If you are not based in New Zealand and prefer to seek advice in your country of residence, please discuss options with your Redress Facilitator.

    DecisionMakers (Auckland) Ltd

    Colin Austin and Bruce Anderson

    Offices in the Auckland region

    Moneyworks NZ Ltd

    Carey Church and Peter Church

    Offices in the Waikato region

    Smart Money Advice

    Janet Natta

    Offices in the Waikato region


    Tanya Gilchrist

    Offices in the Bay of Plenty region

    Evergreen Advice

    Chelsea Traver and Mike Ross

    Offices in the Wellington region

    Milestone Financial

    Melissa Allen and Richard Paynter

    Offices in the Canterbury region

    Lars Bojsen-Møller (former Dilworth student)

    Financial Adviser & Director

    First Capital Financial Services Limited

    Level 12, 41 Shortland Street, Auckland

    PO Box 105740, Auckland 1143

    Ph: 0800 525 515

    Mob: +64 21 666916

    For further information on legal advice, please contact your Redress Facilitator.

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