The Dilworth Trust Board fully accepts and is acting on all nineteen recommendations made in the Independent Inquiry Report into abuse at Dilworth School. An Implementation Dashboard has been established to track Dilworth’s progress against each recommendation. You can access this here.

Haere mai.   

The Dilworth Redress Programme invites you to read about its offer to acknowledge and support former Dilworth students who suffered abuse. We invite those former students to register and apply for redress.

What is the Dilworth Redress Programme?

The Dilworth Redress Programme was developed and designed to provide financial and other remedies to former Dilworth students who were victims of sexual abuse and serious physical abuse by a representative of Dilworth School, while they were students at the School. Through Redress, Dilworth seeks to acknowledge and apologise for the harm caused to and suffered by former students.

The possible elements of the Dilworth Redress Programme include:  a financial payment;  therapeutic support or psychological support made available;  and a personal apology from the school taking into account the wishes of the Applicant; or any other form of personalised response designed to recognise the abuse and its impact.

The Dilworth Redress Programme is supportive, and non-adversarial.  It is voluntary – former students who have suffered abuse are not obliged to apply, nor to accept any offer of redress.  Participants are able to withdraw their applications at any time.

Register to Apply for Redress

Who is Eligible?

Eligibility is governed by the Terms of the Dilworth Redress Programme.
Read them here

In essence, you are eligible for redress under these Terms if you have been a student of Dilworth School, and while you were a student, you suffered:

  1. Sexual abuse or serious physical abuse by a representative of Dilworth, or (by) a person who had access to the ‘survivor’ through a representative of Dilworth; or
  2. Sexual abuse by another student. 

    Estate of deceased former student survivor may apply for redress

    If you are the legal representative of the estate of a deceased former student of Dilworth School who suffered abuse while at School, you may apply for redress, including financial redress, on behalf of his estate. To apply, please contact the Programme Administrator at [email protected]

    You do not have to live in New Zealand to register and apply for redress. Whether you are in Australia or Europe or USA, if you are eligible, you should consider registering and applying for redress.

    Listening Service Help Available Now

    If you need help now, Dilworth School provides an independent Listening Service. This offers referral to completely confidential and fully funded therapy or other psychological support. The Listening Service is available at any time before, during and after your participation in the Dilworth Redress programme. The Listening Service is independent of the Dilworth Redress Programme, and anyone from the Dilworth community is able to access it.

    If you also engaged with the Independent Dilworth Inquiry (which is separate from the Dilworth Redress Programme) you may also choose to have access to and contact with, the same clinical psychologist, to whom you were referred by the Listening Service, for both the Inquiry and the Dilworth Redress Programme to help ensure you are supported by people with whom you feel comfortable.

    The Listening Service can be contacted by emailing [email protected]. A clinical psychologist will set up a time to speak with you and, if you wish, make referral for ongoing sessions for you with a clinical psychologist or other health professional near where you live.

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